The renowned Uruguayan singer and guitarist, Héctor "Numa" Moraes will delight us again with his talent on Friday October 28, 2005 at EL TALLER starting at 8:30 PM. He will lead us through some of his extraordinarily varied repertoire, a voice of solidarity in songs with lyrics that challenge and denounce. Deeply rooted in the folkloric music of the Uruguayan Northern lands, the lyrics represent some of the highest universal and contemporary poetry by many of the great Uruguayan and Latin American poets.
A virtuoso of the guitar and a well-recognized cantatour, Numa has shared stages all around the world with artists of the caliber of Alfredo Zitarrosa, Daniel Viglietti, Los Olimareños, José Carvajal, Joan Manuel Serrat, Silvio Rodríguez, Pablo Milanés, Isabel y Angel Parra, Mercedes Sosa, Tania Libertad, Beto Caetano, Emma Junaro, Toñito Vargas, Inti-Illimani and Quilapayún among many others.
Born in Curtina, Tacuarembó, Uruguay, Numa has developed the repertoire and experience playing his guitar of a truly exceptional level that he uses as a means of bringing us closer to the people of the countryside, integrating us into the daily lives of its people. He was exiled during the military dictatorship in 1972 and his music was prohibited during 13 years by that same regime. He continued his work to promote popular folk music in exile until his return, when together with several other well known exiled artists, in 1985, with “compañeros” from the “canto popular” he shared the stage in a concert at the Franzini Stadium.
His activities continue to focus around teaching and dissemination efforts. He works in Montevideo at the National School of Dance – Folcloric Division, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture.
This activity at the Taller is organized by the Grupo Uruguay.
For more information about Numa, visit
The exact date of this concert is not known, but it occurred in the marked year around this time.