Americanto #1: Rafael Figueroa & Anahi Mariluan
to Dec 15

Americanto #1: Rafael Figueroa & Anahi Mariluan

Cancionerio de las Américas - The Songbook of the Americas
Dates for presentations throughout 2025 coming soon!

Tickets and Donation:

$17 event suggested donation

In 1974, before Bernardo Palombo founded El Taller Latino Americano, he created the record label Americanto to present the recordings of proponents of La Nueva Canción (the New Song movement) including Silvio Rodriguez (Cuba), Victor Jara (Chile), Grupo Wara (Bolivia), his compositions with Damián Sanchez (Argentina). Palombo’s experience as a performer and producer became the bedrock for El Taller’s 45 year history as a presenter of world music and The Songbook of the Americas.

This program brings artists from a variety of traditions together to discuss the significance of “el canto” from the perspective of regional traditions and modern world-views. Professional recordings from each artist’s home will accompany dialogue. We envision this to be a conversation from an authentic shared space formed among talented artists and thinkers.

Upcoming Americanto Encuentros:

March 20, 2025
7:30 pm (EST) on Zoom (link will be posted closer to the date)

Anahi Mariluan + Rafael Figeroa

Anahi Mariluan; foto: Veronica Manzanares

Songs in the language of the Mapuche People

with Anahí Mariluán

Learn more about Anahi

Rafael Figeroa; foto Newspaper La Jornada, Friday, 24 January 2014, p. 1. 6

Son Jarocho

with Rafael Figeroa

Learn more about Rafael


Join El Taller for a virtual encuentro of music and conversation.

Anahí and Rafael are both deeply committed to preserving and sharing cultural expressions and values. In this encuentro, these two musicians from different corners of the world will come together in conversation, exchanging stories and music. As they learn from each other, participants will be invited to join in the journey, discovering new connections along the way.

Americanto: The Song book of the Americas has been selected to be a part of the Carnegie Hall Festival Nuestros Sonidos. This program is supported in part by funds from the Howard Gilman Foundation, the Jacob and Ruth Epstein Foundation and by individuals in our community.

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Tertulia de Las Americas
6:00 PM18:00

Tertulia de Las Americas

Cappella Sur Open Mic for the Community

This evening’s program, called "La Tertulia", presents an experience of Latin America singing traditions. A special performance by Cappella Sur, a vocal group formed by singers from all the Hispanic diaspora, including Venezuela, Argentina, Colombia, Puerto Rico, and the United States, will feature traditional Latin American songs and shares their unique history.

The evening’s Tertulia will also feature an open mic and will encourage community participation.

A short reception will follow.

Cappella Sur, TERTULIA December 7, 2024

Guillermo Vaisman 

Alexandra Castano
Mariela Alonso
Jilliane Say 

Courtney Smith 
Diana López
Florencia De Castro
Ianina Wentinck

Joaquin Iaconis
Ramon Holguín
Ruben González

Bernard De Leon
Michael Landy
Phil Holmgren
Steve Hanna 

Song list

Cuando nada te debía Bailecito de Andrés A. Chazarreta (1876-1960) arr. Liliana Cangiano • Argentina

El Bodeguero by Richard Egues arr. Conrado Monier • Cuba

Viejas Promesas Chaya Riojana by Peteco Carabajal Arr. Ariel Pawliska • Argentina

Amarraditos Vals by Margarita Durán & Pedro Belisario Pérez arr. Eduardo Correa • Perú

Vasija de barro (Clay Vessel) Gonzalo Benitez Gomez (1936-1989) arr. Javier Zentner • Ecuador

Guadalquivir Tonada Tarijeña by Alberto Rojas. Arr. Claudio Sanseverino • Bolivia

Drume Negrita Música: Grenet, arr. E.Nuñez • Cuba

Cantares Antonio Machado, (1875-1939). Músic: Joan Manuel Serrat b.1943 Arr. Liliana Cangiano • España

Ayer te ví by Rubén Rada arr. Wladimir Schneidermann rev. Mario Occhiuzzi • Uruguay

Zamba de mi esperanza by Luis Morales (1906-1975), Mendoza. Arr. Eduardo Ferraudi • Argentina

Crece desde el pie Candombe by Alfredo Zitarrosa (1936-1989) Arr. Liliana Cangiano (1954-1997) • Uruguay

Ven Bolero de Manuel Sánchez Acosta ("el doctor" 1914-2006). Arr. Gonzalo Peña • República Dominicana

Songoro Cosongo Son, Letra: Nicolás Guillén Música: Eliseo Grenet (1893-1950) Arr. Octavio Marín • Cuba

Alma llanera Music: Pedro Elías Gutiérrez, Text: Rafael Bolívar Coronado. Arr. Liliana Cangiano • Venezuela

Lyrics for Sing-along

Alma Llanera (Venezuela)

Yo nací en esta ribera del Arauca vibrador
Soy hermano de la espuma
De las garzas, de las rosas
Soy hermano de la espuma
De las garzas, de las rosas
Y del sol, y del sol

Amo, lloro, canto, sueño
Con claveles de pasión
Con claveles de pasión
Para ornar las rubias crines
Del potro de mi amador

Yo nací en esa ribera del Arauca vibrador
Soy hermano de la espuma
De las garzas, de las rosas
Y del sol

Me arrulló la viva Diana de la brisa en el palmar
Y por eso tengo el alma como el alma primorosa
Y por eso tengo el alma como el alma primorosa
Del cristal, del cristal

Amo, lloro, canto, sueño
Con claveles de pasión
Con claveles de pasión
Para ornar las rubias crines
Del potro de mi amador

Yo nací en esa ribera de la danza vibrador
Soy hermano de la espuma
De las garzas, de las rosas
Y del sol


Violeta Parra (1917-1967 Chile)

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me dió dos luceros, que cuando los abro
Perfecto distingo lo negro del blanco
Y en el alto cielo, su fondo estrellado
Y en las multitudes, el hombre que yo amo.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado el oído, que en todo su ancho
Graba noche y días, grillos y canarios
Martillos, turbinas, ladridos, chubascos
Y la voz tan tierna de mi bien amado.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado el sonido y el abecedario
Con él, las palabras que pienso y declaro
Madre, amigo, hermano, y luz alumbrando
La ruta del alma del que estoy amando.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado la marcha de mis pies cansados
Con ellos, anduve ciudades y charcos
Playas y desiertos, montañas y llanos
Y la casa tuya, tu calle y tu patio.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me dio el corazón, que agita su marco
Cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano
Cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo
Cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.

Gracias a la vida, que me ha dado tanto
Me ha dado la risa y me ha dado el llanto
Así yo distingo dicha de quebranto
Los dos materiales que forman mi canto
Y el canto de ustedes que es el mismo canto.
Y el canto de todos que es mi propio canto

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7:30 PM19:30

Augusto Sinesi

Augusto Sinesi

The young Argentinian guitarist, songwriter, and improviser Augusto Sinesi hails from a renowned family of musicians and has been deeply immersed in Latin American and improvised music since childhood. With immense passion, he has carved out his own unique musical path, constantly exploring and living his art.

His discography features two full-length albums: "Hojas y Rutas Nuevas" (2020), released in Japan under the Inpartmaint Music label, and "Sanación" (2021). Additionally, he has an EP titled "Mañana" (2019), which he self-produced in Argentina.

We are pleased to collaborate with Crepes on Columbus to make this event possible
The event will take place on Saturday, October 5th at 7:30PM.

A benefit for El Taller $20 suggested donation
990 Columbus Avenue

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New Village Music Festival
2:00 PM14:00

New Village Music Festival


August 31, 2024 2pm-6pm
Thompson Square Park (7th Street bet Aves A/B)

El Taller is pleased to offer support to The New Village Music Festival that was created as a vehicle to unite people of all ages and ethnicity.
The New Village Music Festival is a free outdoor community concert that celebrates music, culture and community. Produced by DaSo Entertainment

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Dúo Plana Martí
5:30 PM17:30

Dúo Plana Martí

Dúo Plana Martí

The Plana Martí Duo, composed of Beti Plana on flute, and Polo Martí on guitar, was formed in 1987. They have performed in numerous venues, theaters, and festivals in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, South Africa, France, Spain, Sweden, Germany, among others, offering concerts primarily based on Argentine and Latin American music.

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Cappella Sur 1st  International Choir Festival 2024
to Aug 3

Cappella Sur 1st International Choir Festival 2024

  • El Taller Latino Americano (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Cappella Sur: 1st International Choir Festival 2024.

Cappella Sur took on the task of organizing its first international choir festival in New York with the idea of uniting nations through a common goal, choral singing.

The festival will be held between the first and third of August in different locations of the City and will feature the participation of the Puig-Reig Polyphonic Choir of Barcelona, the Argentine Choir of Minnesota and the United Nations SRC Singers and Cappella Sur both from New York.

The event will take place at St. Michael's Episcopal Church (225 W. 99th St)

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Handmade For Kids
3:00 PM15:00

Handmade For Kids

Handmade For Kids

Ruben Gonzalez is a composer, singer and guitarist originally from San Juan, Argentina. He was a part of the Rock Nacional movement in the 80’s. Join us on June 21st for a special concert featuring a collection of his most significant songs, created for the next generation.


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Marilyn Castillo
4:00 PM16:00

Marilyn Castillo

Marilyn Castillo

Born and raised in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, México Marilyn Castillo is an independent Chicana singer-songwriter who comes from a long lineage of musicians and troubadours who passed on the passion for fine, bold and moving music that make her both her singing and songwriting exotic and glamorous.


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Cappella Sur
4:00 PM16:00

Cappella Sur

Cappella Sur

Cappella Sur is a group of artists, singers, musicians, immigrants, travelers, and professionals, dedicated to promote the music of Latin America through choral pieces. Under the direction of Maestro Guillermo Vaisman.


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12:00 PM12:00

Bloomingdale Medallions

Béatrice Coron: Bloomingdale Medallions

Bloomgindale Medallions depicts local luminaries from the Manhattan Valley neighborhood.

Designed by artists Béatrice Coron, in collaboration with the Columbus-Amsterdam Business Improvement District, the first set of medallions includes:

John Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967), American jazz saxophonist, bandleader and composer

Elizabeth Acevedo Dominican-American poet and author

Mario Bauzá (April 28, 1911 – July 11, 1993), Afro-Cuban jazz, Latin and jazz musician

Constance Baker Motley ( née Baker; September 14, 1921 – September 28, 2005), American jurist and politician

José Feliciano (born September 10, 1945), Puerto Rican musician, singer and composer

Abbey Lincoln (August 6, 1930 – August 14, 2010), American jazz vocalist , songwriter civil rights activist

Isamu Noguchi (November 17, 1904 – December 30, 1988), American artist and landscape architect

Billy Strayhorn (November 29, 1915 – May 31, 1967), American jazz composer, pianist and arranger

There will be three exhibition locations:

Location 1: Booker T. Washington Playground - June 29, 2023 - October 26, 2023

Location 2: Happy Warrior Playground (PS 163) - October 26, 2023 - February 28, 2024

Location 3: Fredrick Douglas Playground - February 28, 2024 - June 27, 2024

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to Jul 29

s0nic 0penings

  • El Taller Latino Americano (map)
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s0nic 0penings TWO EVENTS for

tilting curvaceous CD release performance

1 - Friday, July 28th
the Church of St. Edward the Martyr (14 E 109th St, New York, NY) at 8pm for an indoor concert celebrating the release of their new album “tilting curvaceous”.

patrick brennan – composition & saxophone

Hilliard Greene – contrabass

Brian Groder – trumpet & fluegelhorn

Michael TA Thompson – trap drums

Rod Williams – piano

2: Saturday 29 outdoors on Amsterdam Avenue + W 106th Street - 1pm free and open to the public

patrick brennan – composition & saxophone

Hilliard Greene – contrabass

Brian Groder – trumpet & fluegelhorn

Michael TA Thompson – trap drums


tilting curvaceous, from patrick brennan s0nic 0penings is stylistically varied, expansive, expressive, and always engaging. The music pulls from classic free and avant-garde jazz history while digging liberally into further afield rhythmic motives and ideas, resulting in an absolutely delightful and engrossing album. Complimenting brennan’ alto sax is trumpeter Brian Groder whose works are always melodic and probing. Add Rod Williams, whose approach to the piano provides a solid foundation and jolts of energy at opportune moments. Drummer Michael TA Thompson and bassist Hilliard Greene add absolutely essential rhythmic drive and sensitivity.  
- Paul Acquaro, The Free Jazz Collective

A disc of extraordinary group focus and playing equally inventive and concise, giving the impression that every single note is inevitable in its incisiveness. It sizzles with excitement, earthy exuberance amidst the rhythmically arhythmic drive toward a goal simultaneously clear and elusive.
- Marc Medwin, Point of Departure

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to Sep 28

Two Kinds of Nature

  • El Taller Latino Americano (map)
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Paintings by Holly Wood and photographs by Fernand Brunschwig

On view at Anibal Aviles Playground from July 1 - September 28, 2023
Free and open to the public

In a playful way, we are referring to Two Kinds of Nature: the nature that is the natural world and the nature, or disposition, of a living being. Each is an important part of our lived experience and both natures have the potential to bring a sense of restoration and calm in a world full of stressors large and small… LEARN MORE

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3:00 PM15:00

Pupa Santiago

Celebrating the music and the cultural contribution of Pupa Santiago!

Join us in celebrating our dear friend Pupa Santiago in Concert with friends and surprise guests!

Sunday, June 11, at 3pm, at Church of St. Edward The Martyr (14 E. 109th St. Manhattan, NY).

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3:00 PM15:00

Zachary Sklar "The Work"

El Taller Latino Americano invites you to celebrate the publication of Oscar-nominated screenwriter (JFK) Zachary Sklar's new book The Work: A Jigsaw Memoir. Sunday, June 4, from 3-5 pm, at St. Edward the Martyr Church, 14 E. 109th St. (just east of Fifth Avenue). Reading, books for signing and purchase, wine, snacks, live background music by Duo Orfeo, and the joy of gathering in person.

A writer’s moving personal and political history and a call to ease each other’s pain.
— Editor’s Pick, Publishers Weekly Booklife review

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Dorsey Robinson presents...
8:00 PM20:00

Dorsey Robinson presents...

El Taller with DTSPMedia presents A Live Showcase Event of Hip Hop Music, Theater and Art featuring Various Artists- this Saturday, May 20th starting at 8pm. 

Hosted by Jo Jo Summers (AKA Brother Jay), with special presentations by artist Aleathia Brown, stand up comedian and poet Jo Jo Summers, and student dancer Ariel Robinson. Don't miss this unique event at the Church of St. Edward the Martyr (14 E 109th St, New York, NY). 

There is a suggested donation of $20 at the door.

For more information email 

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8:00 PM20:00


Join us for an exciting concert on Saturday, April 29 at 8pm- TABBAT: A Night of Songmakers, featuring Todd Carter, Adam Feder, and Bernardo Palombo.

Todd Carter is a musician, filmmaker, and teacher living in New York City. As a songwriter, he has released several albums with his group The Looking. His most recent film Seven Prayers was nominated for the best experimental award at McMinnville Shorts Festival.

Adam Feder is the musical director of The Shul of New York since 1997 and founding member of The Shul Band. Adept in the arts of musical transformation and in bringing people together, he's a songwriter, guitar player and singer.

Bernardo Palombo has been the founder and artistic director of El Taller since 1979. Since his first recording in 1967 of “Vendimiador” sung by Los Trovadores, Palombo's talent has brought him a notoriety that spans continents and musical genres. His songs are a part of the repertoire of groups and soloists all over the Americas.

Don't miss this exciting concert!

Saturday, April 29th at 8pm

The Church of St. Edward the Martyr (14 E. 109th Street, NY, NY)

For more information, email or visit

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8:00 PM20:00

Porteño Refractions

Porteño Refractions: Patrick Brennan's Transparency Kestra with Ariel Pirotti

  • Friday, April 28, 2023

  • 8:00 PM 9:30 PM

  • El Taller Latino Americano 14 East 109th Street New York, NY, 10029 United States (map)

Join El Taller in welcoming Patrick Brennan's Transparency Kestra with Ariel Pirotti in concert on Friday, April 28th at 8pm at the Church of St. Edward the Martyr.

Ariel Pirotti is a Tango pianist & composer in Buenos Aires.

Porteño Refractions is a musical dialogue combining Buenos Aires Tango pianist & composer Ariel Pirotti and Patrick Brennan’s Transparency Kestra. Unlike previous Kestra occasions, Pirotti will be playing select pieces of his own music, and Transparency Kestra will be playing material derived from one of Ariel’s compositions, Despertar en la Ciudad, which translates as “To Wake Up in the City.”


Ariel Pirotti, composition & piano | Patrick Brennan, composition, conducting, & alto saxophone | Eli Asher, trumpet | Claire de Brunner, bassoon |Melanie Dyer, viola | Ken Filiano, contrabass | Gabby Fluke-Mogul, violin | Nick Gianni, bass clarinet & bass flute | Haruna Fukuzawa, flutes | Hilliard Greene, contrabass | Jerome Harris, guitar | Patrick Holmes, clarinet | Westbrook Johnson, trombone | Cheryl Pyle, flutes | David Sidman, guitar | Michael TA Thompson, trap drums

Don't miss this beautiful ensemble with one of a kind music and composition!Friday, April 28th at 8pm

Church of St. Edward the Martyr

(14 E 109th St, Manhattan, NY)

Suggested donation of $20 at the door

For more information email

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8:00 PM20:00

Hiroya Tsukamoto

Join El Taller Latino Americano for Hiroya Tsukamoto in Concert!
Hiroya is a one-of-a-kind composer, guitarist and singer-songwriter from Kyoto, Japan. He began playing the five-string banjo when he was thirteen, and took up the guitar shortly after. In 2000, Hiroya received a scholarship to Berklee College of Music and came to the United States. He formed his own group in Boston “INTEROCEANICO (inter-oceanic)” which consists of unique musicians from different continents including Latin Grammy Colombian singer Marta Gomez. The group released three acclaimed records (“The Other Side of the World”, “Confluencia” and “Where the River Shines”). Hiroya has released three solo albums (“Solo”, “Heartland” and “Places”).

Hiroya has been leading concerts internationally including several appearances at Blue Note(NYC), United Nations and the Japanese National Television (NHK).

Don't miss this one of a kind concert!
at The Church of St. Edward the Martyr
(14 E. 109th Street, New York)

Suggested donation: $20

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to Jun 29

Soul Artist

  • El Taller Latino Americano (map)
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Marc "Ali" Edmonds - Soul Artist

Reception for the works : Saturday, April 1, 2023 - 3:00 PM 5:00 PM

This exhibition features 28 of the artist's works, ranging from 1974 to 1994.

ALI became a respected subway artist well before the advent of “wildstyle” graffiti art. His works often contained a humorous political message, a trend which led to his establishing and publishing the comic-oriented “Zoo York Magazine” in the early 1980s.

Edmonds’ work stands as an important example of the creative heritage of the Manhattan Valley in both its urbanism and diversity. The work shows the humor, political awareness, and the dreams of a burgeoning artist at a time when creativity was finding new and exciting mediums of expression.

Don't miss your opportunity to view some of his groundbreaking, one-of-a-kind artwork- on display now at the Anibal Aviles Playground at 108th street between Morningside Drive and Amsterdam Ave. Only a few more weeks to see it- now through June 28th!

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Cuando el Pais Cantaba
8:00 PM20:00

Cuando el Pais Cantaba

Come sing, dance, and celebrate, and remember with us!

El Taller Latino Americano presents a very special concert performed by Dario Acosta Teich, Kato Acosta Teich and Bernardo Palombo entitled "Cuando El País Cantaba" (When the Country Sang). Enjoy the Argentinian songs of the past and sing along as you learn and listen about the artists and the history of the songs.

Saturday, March 25, at 8pm

at The Church of St. Edward the Martyr

(14 East 109th St, New York)

All are welcome! There is a suggested donation of $20. For more information, contact

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Julieta Iglesias
8:00 PM20:00

Julieta Iglesias

Join El Taller Latino American as we host a very talented and special pianist in concert: Julieta Iglesias (@julietaiglesiaspiano) on March 23 at 8pm! 

Julieta Iglesias is an Argentine pianist based in London who started her piano studies in 1995 and received the 'Lía Cimaglia Espinosa' scholarship and the Santa Cecilia Medal. Since 2002, Julieta has been performing and taking part of several festivals in important halls in Argentina, UK, US, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Sweden, Spain, France, Holland, Poland, Hungary and Ireland, playing classical, tango and popular music. Her innovative and creative piano arrangements have been acclaimed by the audience and well-known music critics.

Don't miss this one of a kind concert!

Thursday, March 23rd, starting at 8pm

at The Church of St. Edward the Martyr

(14 E. 109th Street, New York)

Suggested donation: $20

For more information, contact

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World Premiere Video Concert
7:00 PM19:00

World Premiere Video Concert

World Premiere of Kato Acosta in concert with Dario Acosta-Teich (@darioacostateich) and friends, recorded LIVE from Tucuman, Argentina! Enjoy Tango and Argentinian folk music and a special interview with Kato, presented virtually on Youtube by El Taller Latino Americano!

Visit to watch the premiere, Wednesday, March 22, starting at 7:00pm!

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Pedro Reñe
8:00 PM20:00

Pedro Reñe

Join El Taller in person for a night of fusion music from Spain, Argentina and the United States with artists Amaya, Pedro (@pedroregne), and Rachel (@bassinir). Amaya is a soulful singer visiting from Seville, Spain. Pedro is a prolific singer-songwriter and guitarist visiting from Rosario, Argentina. Rachel is and American singer/songwriter, whose performances range from large venue, high-energy rock & funk, to cozy cab. Together they'll fuse styles, songs, and languages from each of their respective countries to make beautiful fusion music.

Friday, March 17 at 8pm

at The Church of St. Edward the Martyr

(14 E. 109th St. in New York City)

$20 suggested donation

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Mate Amargo
8:00 PM20:00

Mate Amargo

Come and join us Saturday, March 4 at 8pm at the Church of St. Edward the Martyr (between 5th and Madison) for our Music Without Borders concert, featuring Mate Amargo with popular Argentinian music!

Dance the night away with us to zambas, waltzes, tangos and more! 

The great Mate Amargo is made up of #musicians: Emilio Teubal, Horacio Martinez, Guillermo Vaisman, and Rodolfo Zanetti.

There is a suggested donation of $20. For more information, email

Saturday, March 4th at 8pm

The Church of St. Edward the Martyr

14 E 109 St.

New York, NY

(bt 5th and Madison)

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The Lord of the Riddles
8:00 PM20:00

The Lord of the Riddles

Join us for a special participatory concert: The Lord of the Riddles by Miguel Rausch and Friends!

Where the Audience is part of the Band!

Saturday, February 25th at 8pm

at the Church of St. Edward The Martyr (14 E 109th St, NY, NY)

Let me tell You a story...

Bilbo Baggins and Gollum duel at riddlepoint. One, fights for his food. The other one, for his life. For every riddle, one song, in a participatory concert where the public is part of the band.

Tonight we'll hear the echoes

Between verses, blows and strikes Though a bit clumsy they may sound About a witty fight of fellows.

We'll mix, toss and combine The fear, the threat and the mind And if Bilbo doesn't guess, He'll be for dinner served At the creepy Gollum's cave


Ivan Barenboim

Julio Botti

Emilio Teubal

Darío Acosta Teich

and special participation by Cappella Sur

Mark your calendars and don't forget to join us!

There is a suggested donation of $20.

For more information, email

@miguelrausch @saintedwardthemartyr @juliobotti

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DASO: Premiere!
7:00 PM19:00

DASO: Premiere!

Join us for an exciting YouTube Live Premiere of our concert “El Barrio Canta Su Historia” with musical artisit DaSo. Enjoy a night of cross-cultural fusion-music steeped in uplifting affirmations and spiritually rooted themes of unity and healing. The music is a bi-lingual mix of hip hop, bomba, house, plena, reggaeton, R&B, salsa, and rock, topped with some original ballads.


Yayoi Ikawa (@yayoiikawamusic) on piano, Eric Salazar (@salazarstrings) on violin, Mel Greenwich (@MelGreenwich) on Cello, Takafumi Nikaido(@bongotaro) on Conga / Cajon, Our Chorus NYC (@OurChorusNYC) on Vocals

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