Deeply rooted in mountains that rise well above 10,000 feet, the traditional music from the Andes is both profoundly earthbound and joyously uplifting. As the trio Chaskinakuy (Cha-ski-NOCK-wee),Andean music masters Edmond Badoux, Francy Vidal and Daniel Zamalloa bring this music to life, performing the compelling melodies and infectious rhythms of high mountain festivities in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, northern Chile and Argentina. Equipped with an extraordinary, museum quality collection of regional instruments that includes flutes and panpipes of bamboo, bone and feathers, goatskin drums, the 10-foot long Peruvian trumpet, fiddle, harps, guitars, mandolins and more, the trio explores musical terrain travelled by few. Taking its name from the native Quechua word that means "to give and receive from hand to hand among many", Chaskinakuy charts new territory for Andean and world music lovers alike. Of Chaskinakuy's 2002 CD, A Flor de Tierra, Dirty Linen Magazine writes: "With its exquisitely played traditional selections that are as transcendent as they are infectious, these left coast statesiders are the real thing."
The exact date of this concert is not known, but it occurred in the marked year around this time.