El Taller is proud to present, in partnership with Lorenzo Miércoles, a Milonga Night. The evening will be hosted by DJ Lorenzo Miércoles, who will be providing the music with an expansive collection of magnificent tango rhythms and will resonate with the very best music that tango maestros of both past and present have ever recorded. Experienced and beginning dancers are invited to join this new community of Milonga.
Lorenzo Miércoles was introduced to authentic tango in Argentina, just prior to the Falklands (Malvinas) War. At the time, virtually all tango music available here in the U.S. was a caricature of the culture of tango in Argentina. The real stuff was simply nearly impossible to find. So Lorenzo began avidly collecting tango records primarily in South America thirty-five years ago. Currently, after many years of collecting and librarianship, his tango library contains many thousands of titles and is completely digitized and accessible. He plays a wide variety of tango styles and performers and most often presents his music at milongas in classic format: complete with well chosen and arranged tandas, sets of tastefully arranged songs, and interesting and contrastive cortinas as musical intermissions drawn from his vast library of non-tango music.