Join us for a night of cocktails, conversations, and stories to raise funds for the second edition of Huáscar Robles's book on post-quake Haiti, Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos.
The band Nuñez y Robles, cuatro master Mario Cancel-Bigay, producer Adrian Bridges, and many more to perform. Enter an auction for a photo from Omar Robles' Cuban dancers' series (shown here). Puertos príncipes was originally published by La Secta de los Perros in San Juan, Puerto Rico. La Cifra press in Mexico City will publish the second edition, bridging Haiti with Mexico, Latin America, and beyond.
Puertos príncipes: temblemos todos is a chronicle based on assignments and photographs by Robles during his time as a correspondent in Haiti in January and March 2010. The first part of the work summarizes initial reports of the earthquake, research on the border with the Dominican Republic, and the effect of international intervention on Haitian economy. In the second part, Robles reports on refugee camps and gender abuse. Throughout the text, Robles explores the influence of international bodies and humanitarian organizations in Haiti through the decades, as well as discrimination against Haitians in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. Robles ends with a summary of the state of Haiti five years after the earthquake.