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Ba Gua Nei Gong: Dao Yin Exercises with Eric Darton

Two Evening Workshops in Ba Gua Nei Gong:

Led by Eric Darton at El Taller Latino Americano

May 16 – Yin Yang Patting

May 23 – Dao Yin Exercises

Class time: 6:00 – 7:30 p.m.

Fee: $25 per class: $40 for both classes.

Ba Gua Nei Gong with Eric Darton
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What is Nei Gong?

Nei Gong are internal exercises of ancient Chinese origin. Widely practiced today, they are designed to promote self-healing and longevity, and quiet the mind.

Practically considered, Nei Gong are useful for simply feeling better on a day-to-day level. In my experience, the Dao Yin exercises, done in the morning puts a “floor” under your day. Performed before bedtime, they promote a calm and restful sleep.

Similarly, Yin Yang Patting, when done in the morning “sets” the body for resiliency in the day to come.

What Will We Be Studying?

Yin Yang Patting and Dao Yin exercises have complimentary actions that work with the body’s Qi or breath-energy. Patting Nei Gong helps unblock the meridians (energy channels in the body) allowing for the free flow of Qi. Dao Yin exercises focus on regulating the whole Qi Dynamic in the body.

Yin Yang patting works to:

    • Break up blockages to the circulation of Qi in the body’s meridians and tissues

    • Stimulates Wei Qi (defensive Qi) thereby improving the body’s resistance to disease and trauma.

    • Improves the functioning of internal organs

    Yin Yang patting is generally practiced standing up.


Dao Yin exercises gradually lead or guide the body’s Qi into balance over a period of time by gently regulating the internal mechanisms of the body.

The exercises should be performed first thing in the morning, either while sitting on the edge of the bed, on a chair, or seated on the floor. Done before bedtime, they can also aid in preparing the body for a restful sleep.

It is recommended that one practice these exercises at least once a day for a period of 100 days, though many people report feeling positive results within two weeks.

Both the Yin Yang patting “opening up” and Dao Yin “regulating” exercises can be, and often are, practiced as stand-alone exercises. But they also pave the way for other techniques, such as the practice of Ba Gua Zhang, a Chinese martial art from the same “internal” family as Tai Chi Chuan. [See the El Taller website for information on Ba Gua Zhang classes at El Taller, or contact me at]


About The Instructor

I have studied Liang style Ba Gua Zhang for over twelve years under Tom Bisio, a renowned martial arts master and practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine. For  several years I have assisted in Tom’s classes and am certified by him to teach foundational Liang style Ba Gua Zhang and its associated Nei Gongs. Much of what is written above comes directly from his Student Handbook and is quoted with his permission.

If you have any questions, either about the class or about Ba Gua Zhang, please contact me at or at 917 288-6569.

For further information on Tom Bisio and Liang style Ba Gua Zhang, visit Internal Arts International:, the organization with which I am affiliated.


I will provide a handout to help you remember the exercise and can also be contacted by email with any follow-up questions.

Ba Gua Zhang master Tom Bisio’s book Ba Gua Nei Gong: Yin Yang Patting & Dao Yin Exercises will be available to class participants at a special reduced rate.

Earlier Event: May 20
Johnathan Lowery Sextet
Later Event: May 26
Viernes Social