Just days after debuting at Carnegie Hall, El Taller is proud to welcome Mexican musician Cecilio Perera, First prize winner of the 44° International Guitar Competition Michelle Pittaluga in Alessandria, Italy and one of the most renowned classical guitarists of present day.
Cecilio's concert marks the start of a series featuring classical guitarists that will be held throughout El Taller's spring season, curated by Mexican guitarist Humberto Flores.
For more information about Cecilio Perera, please visit his website at http://www.cecilioperera.com/
- First Prize of the "44° International Guitar Competition "Michelle Pittaluga - Alessandria, Italy, 2011"
- First Prize of the "Boston Guitar Fest 2008" Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A."
- First Prize of the International Guitar Competition "José Tomás-Villa de Petret" Valencia, Spain, 2008."
- First Prize of the "XII International Guitar Competition Leo Brouwer" in Havana, Cuba 2004"
- First Prize at the" V Taxco Guitar Competition", Taxco, México 2002
- National Prize of Youth in México Arts 2003
Cecilio creates a unique atmosphere in every piece he interprets. Impeccable technique, sound, musicality, virtuosity, passion, aggressiveness, beauty, and sweetness are just a few of the many qualities that this young guitar virtuoso transmits in each of his interpretations, establishing a bridge of emotions with the audience in each of his presentations.
"Cecilio Perera is currently one of the most internationally recognized young Mexican interpreters in the classical guitar world." John Williams, Classical Guitarist (2004)
Cecilio logra crear una atmósfera única en cada obra que interpreta, impecable técnica, sonido, musicalidad, virtuosismo, pasión, agresividad, belleza y dulzura son algunas de las tantas cualidades que este guitarrista transmite en cada una de sus interpretaciones, logrando establecer un puente de emociones con el público, lo cual le pertenece como una necesidad constante y que lo compromete en cada una de sus presentaciones como el mismo menciona.
Cecilio Perera es hoy en día uno de los jóvenes intérpretes mexicanos más importantes en el ambiente de la guitarra clásica a nivel mundial": John Williams