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35 Years Taller: Seeger Fest: A Memorial Concert

Bernardo Palombo & Friends, along with the children at El Taller Latino Americano's Aventura's de Verano Spanish Camp will be sharing with the public what they learned during camp this weekend at Lincoln Center. The project is a collaboration between El Taller, Seeger Fest and Castle Bridge School Principal, Julie Zuckerman. 

The collaboration has been in the making since Bernardo first heard about Pete Seeger through his performance of Guantanamera as a 7 year old. Over the years, Pete grew closer to El Taller and the music of Palombo, connecting with Leon Gieco, and even greeted Mercedes Sosa, when she performed at El Taller, and later supported his agent, Harold Leventhal, in arranging for the legendary Atahualpa Yupanqui to perform at Carnegie Hall. Pete grasped the work of El Taller, and how the world must crossover to connect with one another, be it through song, protest, a meal, or hearing the story of others: an act, he and Bernardo shared just before Pete passed away in singing "Deportee", at his Beacon, NY home. 

It is fitting then, that Bernardo and Julie came up with the idea that through this week in camp, the children of Castle Bridge in Washington Heights would not only learn Spanish of the Americas, but also learn Guantanamera so they can perform the song publicly at Seeger Fest. An idea that Seeger Fest organizer, Kitama Seeger-Jackson, supported. Palombo wants "to spread the songs Pete loved and the continue the work in having others sing-a-long. And what better way to do it than through allowing children the chance to hear this music for the first time." 

Join us as we honor the memory of not only a music legend, but our dearest friend. 

For more information on Seeger Fest, please visit the Seeger Fest web page.