Vickie Gonzalez: Sirena Azurre

When asked about who she is as an artist and the genesis of her works, Vickie Gonzalez states,

"The first thing that comes to mind is light. A light that is vast and allows me to create an expression. I was an artist child and loved to create. Both my brother and sister were exceptionally talented artists and were a strong influence in my path. My parents did not encourage my artistic talents but rather my academic gifts. I then stored away my paintings. But, as the saying goes, 'What you put in the dark will one day come into the light.' Five years ago I began to paint. It was a journey just to explore and express my feelings. I also began to acknowledge the artist hunger that was growing. As I continued to paint my friends became the driving force of encouragement. Today I dedicate my art and my first exhibit to my friends who encouraged me to paint and asked me to paint pieces for them. I would especially like to thank my friend Bernardo Palombo for his love and support. I have never gone to art school or had any training in art. I have been greatly influenced by the works of Frank Frazetta, El Greco and my favorite Frida Kahlo. I also benefited from watching Bob Ross and consider him the only art teacher. I came to paint because it was inside of me and I had to give birth to it. My style is creation of my feelings and what I perceive to be truth. My painting is always in the canvas (womb). I just have to bring it out (birth)."
Guest UserMarch 2005